See you at IDFA online! Join us on Sunday November 15 for a big catch up. We’ve got loads to share.
Hi Friends,
Oh man, we’ve missed you. In the last months we’ve been busy behind the scenes, and now here we are in the middle of the autumn film festival season. More so here in Europe, many of us are back in partial or full lockdown, and like many we suspect, our attention has been captivated by the US elections in the last days, despite many examples of unrest and injustice also inside our own borders. So forgive our radio silence, and get ready for a slew of events and offerings for DAE members and doc lovers alike.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to book a consultation or reach out.
We hope to see you on Sunday November 15 16:00 – 17:30 CET (UTC+1) at our digital Member’s Check in and Mixer. RSVP here for the zoom link or join the Facebook event.
Marion & Brigid x
Meet us at IDFA:
Digital Members Check In and IDFA Warm Up Mixer:
- Sunday October 15, 16:00 – 17:30 CET (UTC+1): Let us share with you what has happened this year and what we plan for next year, as well as give you the opportunity to express your ideas and feedback. We will also have a networking session to help you ease in to IDFA online and get ready for the Forum and screenings. Please RSVP here for the zoom link or join the Facebook event.
IDFA Forum: Session on Youth Docs
- Want to learn more about financing and distributing youth docs? Join us for a session on Wednesday November 18 16:00 – 17:00. If you don’t have a IDFA Forum Accreditation express interest here. To make the session even more impactful, please complete the short survey.
Get to know your DAE:
- Curious about joining the Network? What’s in it for you? Join our info meeting and get to know your DAE on November 25 12:00 – 13:00.
Book a DAE Consultation:
- Questions about your new project/s? Looking for help with strategies? Having trouble navigating online festivals? Want to know more about the network in general? Or collaborate with us? We’ve got consultation slots open on November 16, 17, 19, 23 & 24. Click the button on the left for slots.
IDFA Industry Hangouts:
- Do you miss meeting your colleagues in a relaxed way, maybe just for a coffee and a gossip? Or to share about your passion projects and hear a bit about other peoples’ too? Want to take a dive into the IDFA guest list? We are hosting three hangouts: Friday November 20 12:00 – 13:00 and Monday November 23 12:00 – 13:00 and Tuesday November 24 18:00 – 19:00. Click here to join!
HBO Masterclass:
- Join the HBO Masterclass of DunaDock as part of Verzio Human Rights Film Festival with Hugarian producer Sara Laszlo and director Judit Ola on their film Return to Epipo. November 11 18:00 – 19:30 UTC+1.
Other opportunities / inspiration:
- Discover DOK Leipzig’s DOK Industry Podcasts! Now available online for all.
- 664 film professionals say no to sexism. A Danish response to gender equality and harassment.
- In the spirit of resistance: enjoy this short by Sasha Wortzel – This is an Address.
- If you’re a documentary consultant and you would like to join our directory, please complete the form here.
Don’t forget:
Here is a link to the audiofile from our launch and our code of conduct.
Check out photos from our launch and sign up to the network today.